Advanced Targeting Conditions: Device Conditions
The following Conditions are part of our Advanced Targeting Conditions Extension.
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Device Conditions are the absolute best way to build popups that work across all connected mediums today.
From all devices, to tablets, to phones, screen widths, and more, you'll want to definitely make use of these Conditions to build the absolute best conforming popups on the web.
Device Is Mobile
Loads the popup if the user is on a mobile device, this includes Tablets and Phones.
Build popups specifically conforming to mobile device standards.
Device Is Phone
Loads the popup only if the user is on a phone.
Build popups specifically for phones!
Device Is Tablet
Loads the popup only if the user is on a tablet.
Build popups specifically for tablets.
Device Is Brand
- Choose one or more: iPhone, HTC, Blackberry, Nexus, Motorola, Dell, Samsung, LG, Sony, Asus, Micromax, Palm, Vertu, Pantech, Fly, iMobile, SimValley, Wolfgang, Alcatel, Nintendo, Amoi, INQ and Generic.
Loads the popup according to what Device Brands are chosen above.
Great for delivering user specific content to different mobile brand users.
Screen Width
- More Than (optional): Input a numeric value, measured in pixels.
- Less Than (optional): Input a numeric value, measured in pixels.
Loads the popup according to the Screen Width variables as inputted above.
If you want to use Device Screen Width to build specially build popups, this Condition offer that flexibility.
Screen Height
- More Than (optional): Input a numeric value, measured in pixels.
- Less Than (optional): Input a numeric value, measured in pixels.
Loads the popup according to the Screen Height variables as inputted above.
This Condition allows you to use Screen Height as a Condition, building special popups for these occasions.