Theme Settings -- Close tab / General category


Figure 1 (above). View of the Close >> General option settings for the Default Theme.

The  Close option tab controls the styling of the popup close button. The General category controls the button text and style, and the placement of the button either within the popup container or the browser window. 

Property Descriptions

  • Close Button Text accepts text, HTML entities, and HTML elements as input.  Default:  CLOSE.
  • Position Outside Container (checkbox) allows the placement of the close button outside the popup container.  Default: unchecked ( off ).
  • Location positions the close button at one of nine locations inside the popup container. If the checkbox Position Outside Container is checked, the button is positioned outside the popup container and within the frame of the browser window.  Default: Top Right.
  • Top refers to the close button position at the top of the popup container (or browser window). A positive value moves the button downward, while a negative value moves it upward. This feature is active when the Location option is set to Top Left, Top Center, or Top Right.
  • Bottom refers to the close button position at the bottom of the popup container (or browser window). A positive value moves the button upward, while a negative value moves it downward. This feature is active when the Location option is set to Bottom LeftBottom Center, or Bottom Right.
  • Right refers to the close button position on the right side of the popup container (or browser window).  A positive value moves the button upward, while a negative value moves it downward. This feature is active when the Location option is set to Top Right, Middle Right, or Bottom Right.
  • Left refers to the close button position on the left side of the popup container (or browser window). A positive value moves the button rightward (inside the container), while a negative value moves it leftward (outside the container). This feature is active when the Location option is set to Top LeftMiddle Left, or Bottom Left.

Preview Close Option Settings in the Customizer

When editing the Close button features, use the customizer located to the right of the Theme Settings box to preview your changes. 

Select the Update button to save any changes to popup theme settings. Otherwise, any changes will be lost after you leave the page. 

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