Popup Analytics -- Introduction


The Popup Analytics plugin extension to Popup Maker adds several analytics features to the popup Admin and Editor. 

1)  Five columns of analytics data are added to the All Popups Admin page;

2)  Two custom metaboxes (  Analytics & Stats and Conversion Settings ) are added to the Popup Editor; and 

3) An Analytics Admin page to view URL and Open data for published popups.

Article Contents

Five Table Columns Added to the All Popups Admin Page

The Popup Analytics extension adds 5 new columns of data to the All Popups Admin Screen for each popup ( WP Admin: Popup Maker >> All Popups ).  They include: 

  1. Opened -- the number of times a popup opens in the browser;
  2. Average Time Open --  the average amount of time a popup remains open in the browser;
  3. Conversions -- the number of times a visitor performs a conversion action inside a popup such as: clicking a link, a button, or submitting a form;
  4. Average Conversion Time -- the amount of a time a popup remains open before it is converted; and 
  5. Conversion Rate -- the number of popup conversions as a percentage of all the times a popup is opened.

Until a popup conversion occurs, data for Average Time Open, Average Conversion Time, and Conversion Rate are reported as 'N/A' (not available). 

The Analytics & Stats Metabox Added to the Popup Editor

The Popup Analytics extension adds an Analytics & Stats metabox to the Popup Editor (shown above). In the Classic Editor view, the box is positioned on the right side of the Editor screen. The box gives a quick data summary about views and conversions for each popup.  

Using popup view and conversion counts, the plugin calculates and displays conversion rate data as it becomes available. 

The 'Reset Data?' checkbox allows one to reset the popup analytics data stored in the site database. The data reset must be performed in the Popup Editor for each popup.  Select the Update button to preserve the data reset to the database. Otherwise the existing data will be preserved. 

The Conversion Settings Metabox Added to the Popup Editor

Popup conversions are set in the Conversion Settings metabox of the Popup Editor. This metabox appears below the Editor field and the Popup Settings box. The plugin provides 4 options settings to choose from:

  • None/Auto -- select this option when using Popup Maker with either the Ninja Forms, GravityForms, or Contact Form 7 plugins.
  • Form Submit -- count conversions from popup form submissions using any other popup form, including the Popup Maker Subscription Form shortcode
  • Button Click -- count conversions whenever a visitor clicks a button inside your popup marked up with the HTML <button> element. 
  • Link Click -- count conversions whenever a visitor clicks any link inside your popup marked up with the HTML <a> element. 

Conversion settings can vary between popups, which provides flexibility to monitor different conversion endpoints. 

The following related articles describe which form plugins work with Popup Maker. The Ninja Forms, GravityForms, and Contact 7 Form plugins for WordPress are specifically integrated to work seamlessly with Popup Maker.

1)  Which Email or Contact Forms Plugins Work with Popup Maker?

2)  Close/Open Popup and Create Cookie After Ninja Forms Submission

3)  Close/Open Popup and Create Cookie After Gravity Forms Submission

4)  Close/Open Popup and Create Cookie After Contact Form 7 Submission

The Analytics Admin Page

The Popup Analytics extension adds an Analytics admin submenu. The Analytics page displays the URL and Open data for each popup set to Status: Published.  When first opened, the Analytics page does not display any data. 

Select a published popup from the menu drop-down list, and then select the Submit button, If no popups are set to Published, update the publication status on the All Popups admin page (WP Admin: Popup Maker >> All Popups), and then return to the Analytics admin page. 

Related article: Popup Maker Admin Introduction // See Section 1, All Popups.

The URL Stats page displays the following analytics data by column:

  • URL -- each URL within a site that a popup has appeared on;
  • Views -- the number of times a popup has been viewed at a given URL;
  • Conversions -- the number of popup conversions on that URL; and 
  • Conversion Rate (percent) -- the popup conversion rate.

The Open Stats page allows a graphic view and comparison of popup conversion tracked by date.  It includes:

  • popup opens
  • popup conversions, and 
  • popup conversion rate

Hover the cursor over each set of daily data points to reveal a tool-tip with a summary of that day's data. See the color code in the graph's upper right corner to map the data points for that particular day. 

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