The Popup Maker Form Integration API

Popup Maker version 1.9 adds and extends a public API (application programming interface) for WordPress form and template builder plugins to integrate with Popup Maker. These interfaces stub out a set of public methods (functions) implemented by each class that integrates a specific form plugin with Popup Maker.

Table 1. Popup Maker Interfaces That Stub out the Form Integration API Methods

Relative Path
PUM_Interface_Integration /popup-maker/classes/Interface/Integration.php
PUM_Interface_Integration_Form extends PUM_Interface_Integration /popup-maker/classes/Interface/Integration/Form.php
PUM_Interface_Integration_Settings extends PUM_Interface_Integration /popup-maker/classes/Interface/Integration/Settings.php

See the following article link for the current list of WordPress form plugins that integrate with Popup Maker. 

Related article:   'Popup Maker Integration with WordPress Form Builder Plugins'.

Table 2 below presents the plugin-specific form integration classes that implement the API, and their relative path within the plugin file structure.

Table 2.  Plugin-Specific Form Integration Classes That Implement the API



Relative Path
Ninja Forms
PUM_Integration_Form_NinjaForms extends PUM_Abstract_Integration_Form /popup-maker/classes/Integration/Form/NinjaForms.php
GravityForms PUM_Integration_Form_GravityForms extends PUM_Abstract_Integration_Form /popup-maker/classes/Integration/Form/GravityForms.php
Contact Form 7
PUM_Integration_Form_ContactForm7 extends PUM_Abstract_Integration_Form /popup-maker/classes/Integration/Form/ContactForm7.php
PUM_Integration_Form_WPForms extends PUM_Abstract_Integration_Form /popup-maker/classes/Integration/Form/WPForms.php
Caldera Forms
PUM_Integration_Form_CalderaForms extends PUM_Abstract_Integration_Form /popup-maker/classes/Integration/Form/CalderaForms.php
MailChimp for WordPress
PUM_Integration_Form_MC4WP extends PUM_Abstract_Integration_Form /popup-maker/classes/Integration/Form/MC4WP.php

Developers who support WordPress form plugins can consult the interface and use the application of the API methods as guidance to prepare their plugin for integration with Popup Maker.

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