Exit Intent Introduction

This guide is for the premium Exit Intent plugin extension. You can buy it on our product page or try it for free on our demo site.

Need to learn how to install your extension?

Read our How Do I Install My Extensions? guide.

In this introduction to the Exit Intent extension, we'll cover 2 main points.

  1. Example use cases for exit intent popups.
  2. Steps to create and test a basic exit intent popup.

In the tutorial section, you'll create an exit intent popup that:

Popup Maker's Exit Intent extension is excellent for the following use cases:

  • Showing abandoned cart popups.
  • Nudging visitors with a signup form to opt into your email list for updates and deals.
  • Offer a departing visitor an incentive or call to action (e.g., free download, free webinar, discount).

Did you know that, on average, almost 70% of people abandon their shopping carts?

But hey, there's hope! Optinmonk helped a business cut its abandonment rate by 17%. That's why we think exit intent popups are worth a look!

Check out this short video for a sneak peek.

Give your popup a title (required), then scroll down to the  Popup Settings.

For details on each Exit Intent trigger method, read our Exit Intent methods guide.

Bring up any post or page on your site. We didn't set a targeting rule in this tutorial, so your popup will load on every post and page.

To see the Exit Intent popup, do one of the following:

  1. Move your cursor off the post or page.
  2. Click outside this browser window.
  3. Switch to a different tab.
  4. Change focus to a different app (e.g., Ctrl/Cmd + Tab from your browser to your email app).
Try one of those now!
To re-test, clear the popup's cookie in the browser first, then reload the post or page you're on or visit another post or page.
Pro tip: Use the Popup Maker Admin tool bar to clear your cookies in between tests (toolbar:  Popup Maker > Popups > [POPUP NAME] > Reset Cookies).

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