'Triggers' option settings

The Popup Settings -- Triggers option allows users to set a trigger and a cookie on a popup. 

This article describes the 'Triggers' option in the popup editor.  Refer to the related article below for information to set a popup cookie.

Related article: 'Cookie' option settings.

Article Contents

Definition of Terms

Triggers: Triggers are events that cause a popup to display in the browser. A popup requires at least one trigger to display and may accept multiple triggers. 

Cookies: Popup Maker uses cookies to control the repeated display of popups. To work, they must be set and linked to a popup trigger.  Using cookies is optional, but recommended to avoid unnecessarily displaying the same popup to the same people too many times. 

  • By default, cookies are valid for a term of 1 month, which you can change. 
  • Popups controlled by a cookie can redisplay before they expire when cookies are cleared or blocked from the browser.

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Add a New Trigger

When the button labeled 'Add New Trigger' is selected, a popup labeled 'Choose what type of trigger to add?' will appear. The Popup Editor will be covered by a dark 'overlay' layer which prevents access to the background until the new trigger is added, or the popup is closed. Plugin users have the option to close the popup without setting a trigger by selecting the 'close' button ('X') in the upper right corner.

When you select a trigger, you'll see a prompt to set a cookie and link it to the trigger. See the checkbox below the trigger menu labeled 'Would you like to set up a cookie as well?'. 

By default, no cookie is set up when adding a trigger.  You can always create and link cookies for your popup by editing your popup later.

Default Plugin Triggers

The free version of Popup Maker includes 3 default triggers: 

Click Open (default)
Displays a popup when a visitor clicks a link or specific element on a web page. 
Time Delay / Auto Open
Displays a popup after a preset length of time.
Form Submission
This is a dedicated trigger for forms that displays a popup when you submit a supported form. It’s perfect for popping up things like a special thank you message or a free download after someone completes a form.

Use this trigger with Popup Maker subscription forms and WordPress forms that integrate with Popup Maker.

Each of the 3 triggers may be set on the same popup.

Premium Plugin Triggers

The following paid, premium plugin extensions add triggers to Popup Settings:

Premium triggers can be used in any combination with default plugin triggers.

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'Click Open' Trigger Settings

When a 'Click Open' trigger is selected, a 'Click Trigger Settings' dialogue box appears with a 'General' and 'Advanced' option settings tab.

'Click Trigger Settings  -- General' option settings

Popup Maker provides users with 5  methods to set a 'Click Open' trigger. They include: 

  1. Add Popup Maker Classes to Set a Trigger;
  2. Add a Popup to a Navigation Menu Item;
  3. Use Existing or Custom Selectors to Set a Trigger;
  4. Trigger a Popup from a Link URL;
  5. Use jQuery to Trigger a Popup 'On Click'; and 

The first 4 methods listed above are commonly used and typically meet the needs of most users.

Extra CSS Selectors -- If unable to apply Method #1 above, Method #3 allows users to set a 'Click Open' trigger by targeting a specific CSS selector, or set of selectors. These are typically 'id' or 'class' attributes attached to an HTML element associated with the target content.

The custom field accepts:

  • single or multiple CSS 'class' or 'id' attributes (example 'classes' might include: .class-here, .class-2-here; an example 'id' might be: #button_id), 
  • CSS selectors ('id' and 'classes' strung together (for example; #button_id.class-here.a ), and 
  • URL values (partial or full. For example: 'https://example.com/products/cell-phones')

Separate multiple CSS selectors using commas (,).  

The caret at the right end of the custom field provides a set of 'link' options when adding URL values. 

Related article:  Trigger: Click Open -- Use Existing or Custom Selectors to Set a Trigger

Related article:  Getting CSS Selectors; refer to 'Method #1: Popup Maker Get CSS Selector Tool'.

Cookie Name -- Custom field to either 'Add a New Cookie' or link an existing cookie by ID to the trigger. Cookies are assigned an ID of "pum-{integer}".

'Click Trigger Settings  -- Advanced' option settings

By default, a popup set to a link will prevent that link from opening 'on click', and display a popup instead. Popup Maker turns the browser's 'on click' behavior to 'off'. 

An example would be a popup set to trigger on the 'Contact Us' page in a site navigation menu. When Popup Maker sets a trigger on that link, the plugin prevents the page link from opening.  The popup appears in the browser instead of the link redirecting to the page. 

Sometimes plugin users do want the browser to work as intended 'on click'. An example might be to display a popup and allow a file download to occur at the same time. 

In that case, Popup Maker needs to allow the browser to process the file download. Select the checkbox labeled 'Do not prevent the default click functionality.' to turn 'on' the browser's 'on click' action. 

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'Time Delay' Trigger Settings

When a 'Time Delay /  Auto Open' trigger is selected, a 'Time Delay Settings' dialogue box appears with a 'General' option settings tab.

Related article:  'Trigger: Auto Open / Time Delay'

'Time Delay Settings -- General' option settings

Delay -- The time delay setting in milliseconds (ms). The time delay range is set between 0 - 10,000 ms (10 seconds), with a default of 500 ms (0.5 seconds). The time range slider can be edited, and will accept any value greater than the initial default maximum. The range slider will automatically reset the time range, and display the new input value within the adjusted range.

Cookie Name --  A custom field to either 'Add a New Cookie' or link an existing cookie with an ID of "pum-{integer}". 

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'Form Submission' Trigger Settings

When a 'Form Submission' trigger is selected, a 'Form Submission Trigger Settings' dialogue box appears with a 'General' option settings tab.

Related article:  Popup Maker Integration with WordPress Form Builder Plugins

Related article:  'Trigger: Form Submission'

'Form Submission Trigger Settings -- General' option settings

Form --  Set a form submission trigger on a form placed inside a popup. The trigger fires when the form submit button is clicked.

By default, the trigger is set on any form supported by Popup Maker.  If no WordPress form plugin is active, the trigger will target Popup Maker’s default subscription form

When a form plugin supported by Popup Maker is active, those plugins will also appear as menu options in the ‘Form’ field. The screenshot above shows the available menu options when the Ninja Forms plugin is active, and several forms are published.

Delay --  The time delay interval in milliseconds (ms) between when the form submit button is clicked and the trigger fires.  By default, the interval is set to 0 ms, with an available range between 0 - 10,000 ms (10 seconds).

Cookie Name --  A custom field to either 'Add a New Cookie' or link an existing cookie with an ID of "pum-{integer}".

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Edit an Existing Trigger

Edit an existing trigger by selecting the 'pencil' icon in the column labeled 'Actions'. A 'settings' options box will display, prompting the selection of additional options. 

Delete an Existing Trigger

Delete an existing trigger by selecting the 'X' in the column labeled 'Actions'.

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