Popup Settings Box -- Initial Popup Settings


Every new popup is created with a set of initial settings.  Most of the popup settings are edited in the popup editor's  Popup Settings box.  The table below briefly lists each of the settings, their initial value, and their expected behavior.  This information can help you decide what to customize when creating a popup.
The table below includes links to The Popup Editor documentation that describes each of the Popup Settings options in detail.  Select the ‘Publish / Update’ button to save any changes made to the popup settings.

Initial Option Settings in the Popup Settings box

Option tab


Initial Setting
Triggers  Trigger
Visitor action that displays a popup. None. A popup will not display until a trigger is set.

Select from either an Auto Open / Time Delay or Click Open trigger to create a working popup. Add a Form Submission trigger to process form data when a popup form is submitted.
Triggers Cookies
Control repeat popup display. None. Popup will repeat display until a cookie is set and linked to a trigger.
Conditions Initialize popup for display. A popup will display on all posts and pages unless targeted otherwise.
Appearance  Popup theme Default Theme.

Change the default theme selection for all popups from the  Settings >> General admin page.
Size Responsive popup adjusts according to screen size. Medium - 60% (responsive size)
Display   Animation Animation effects on popup close. fade, 350 milliseconds
Position Anchor location of popup on screen.  Top center. 100 pixels below top of screen.
Display   Advanced Overlay layer enabled (on). Single popup display (non-stackable). 
Button Displays the value for 'Close Text' from the Default Theme.
Form Submission
Manage popup form behavior after form submit action.
Popup forms remain open after form submission.
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