The Complete List of Popup Triggers
Available Popup Triggers #
Free Popup Triggers #
Here are the built-in triggers that come with the free Popup Maker plugin.
Time Delay Trigger / Auto Open #
- Description: The most popular of all the triggers is the time delay trigger. If you want your popup to display after a set time passes or even immediately then this is the trigger for you.
- Uses: One of the most effective uses of the time delay trigger is promoting special offers to your customers, from opt-in offers to flash sales.
See article: Trigger: Auto Open / Time Delay
Click Open Trigger #
- Description: The Click Open trigger displays a popup on your site when the user clicks an item, including but not limited to: buttons, text, and links. Click-open popups are an elegant way to store and tastefully present on-demand content to visitors.
- Uses: Click Open triggers have practically endless uses and zero limitations. Most popular uses include opt-ins for basically every situation imaginable, as well as lightbox style applications, or putting different types of visual media inside your popups. Click Open triggers can also come in handy when you want to add content to a page for users to view, but you don't want them to switch pages to view it.
See article: Trigger: Click Open -- Overview & Methods
Form Submission Trigger #
- Description: This is a dedicated trigger for forms integrated with Popup Maker. The Form Submission trigger displays a popup when you submit a supported form (inside or outside or a popup).
- Uses: The Form Submission trigger is perfect for popping up things like a special thank you message or a free download after someone completes a form. Use this trigger with Popup Maker subscription forms and WordPress forms that integrate with Popup Maker.
Try this Form Submission trigger for free right now
You can try out the Form Submission trigger right now for free on our demo site. Go to the demo site now.
Premium Popup Triggers #
Here are the premium triggers that come with our paid-for extensions. The table below lists each trigger and which extension they come with.
Trigger | Extension Product Page | Documentation |
Exit Intent | Exit Intent Popups | Exit Intent Trigger |
Scroll | Scroll Trigger Popups | Trigger: Scroll -- Introduction |
Age Verification | Age Verification Modals |
Age Verification |
Failed Age Redirect | Age Verification Modals |
Age Verification |
Force Terms Agreement | Terms & Conditions Popups |
Terms & Conditions Popups |
Click Blocking | Terms & Conditions Popups |
Terms & Conditions Popups |
Force Login | AJAX Login Modals |
AJAX Login Modals |
Idle Time | Secure Idle User Logout |
Secure Idle User Logout |
Exit Intent Trigger #
- Description: Capture and engage users you would normally miss with exit intent. Your popup will be displayed when a user's cursor makes an abandoning maneuver. If you would like to explore the functionality of Exit Intent, check out our Exit Intent examples page.
- Uses: One of the greatest uses for the Exit Intent Trigger is presenting enticing or special offers to users at the exact moment they are about to abandon your site.
See article: Exit Intent Documentation
Product Information: Own the Exit Intent Popups extension and increase subscribers and revenue
Scroll Trigger #
- Description: Your popup will be displayed when a user scrolls a specific distance set to your liking or when the trigger hits a certain element.
- Uses: Use scroll-triggered popups to funnel users and present your content funnel when they scroll to the bottom of a page. Or, present them with a personalized message while they're scrolling on your support page, for example - because everyone needs a little interaction when scrolling through support.
- Scroll Trigger Documentation
- Own a Scroll Trigger and add versatility and efficiency to your website.
Age Verification Modals #
Trigger: Age Verification
- Description: By design, the Age Verification Trigger is essentially an Auto Open Trigger with the Close Button Disabled - the Trigger doesn't have any specific features itself. Simply one-click setup.
- Uses: This is the Trigger you'll use when creating a basic Age Verification Modal.
- Age Verification Documentation
- Own the Age Verification Extension to create an air-tight security system for underage users.
Trigger: Failed Age Redirect
- Description: When a user fails to enter an appropriate age or they hit the exit button in your Age Verification Modal, we can use the Failed Age Redirect Trigger to keep them from accessing the site if they decide to come back and try again (until the cookie expires).
- Uses: This is an essential component of the Age Verification Extension that will allow you to completely lock your site down from users who are underage.
- Age Verification Documentation
- Own the Age Verification Extension to create an air-tight security system for underage users.
Terms & Conditions Popups #
Trigger: Force Terms Agreement
- Description: Popups displayed with the 'Force Terms Agreement' trigger do not have a 'close' button. Visitors must select the 'I Agree' button to close the popup. The trigger requires visitors to scroll to the end of the terms box before the 'I Agree' button activates. The trigger will block access to each page on which it's targeted.
- Uses: Require agreement to terms before site entry or addition to a shopping cart is allowed.
Click Blocking
- Description: This trigger prevents site visitors from opening any targeted page link until they agree to the terms displayed in the popup. It works similarly to a Click Open trigger, except it prevents the targeted link from working until the terms and conditions popup is accepted.
- Uses: Any page link on which a Click Open trigger can be set can be targeted using a Click Block trigger.
See article: Terms and Conditions Popups: Triggers & Cookies
Product information: Terms & Conditions Popups extension.
AJAX Login Modals #
Trigger: Force Login
- Description: This trigger will automatically open your login popup when a user arrives on your whole site, or specified page(s)/post(s). The Forced Login Trigger forces users to login before they can proceed to the site content, therefore the close button will be disabled and removed.
- Uses: This trigger is the best way to control your content! This trigger is usable with Login and/or Registration Modals, as part of the AJAX Login Modals Extension.
- AJAX Login Modals Documentation
- Own the AJAX Login Modals Extension and streamline, plus add versatility to, your website.
Trigger: Click Blocking
- Description: This trigger works the exact same way as a Click Open Trigger. When a user clicks a targeted element, a login form displays in place of the popup. Following login, the click-open action is completed.
- Uses: This trigger provides greater control over access to site content. A great way to provide visitors with access to file downloads!
- AJAX Login Modals Documentation
- Own the AJAX Login Modals Extension and streamline, plus add versatility too, your website.
Secure Idle User Logout #
Trigger: Idle Time
- Description: This extension monitors continuous idle time on a website. When a visitor is inactive for a period of time, a popup displays a countdown timer. When the timer reaches 0, the popup closes and the browser is refreshed. Use this trigger in combination with the AJAX Login Modals Force Login trigger to display a login form (requires a separate license for the AJAX Login Modals extension).
- Uses: Remove and protect sensitive information from view after a period of site inactivity. In combination with the AJAX Login Modals extension, require login to regain site access.
See article: Secure Idle User Logout--Plugin Introduction and Option Settings
Product Information: Secure Idle User Logout